One of the most dangerous places you and I can find ourselves during this pandemic and world climate, is a place called “alone or isolation”. This place isn’t necessarily a geographical location, but rather a disposition of the heart. I unequivocally believe if you harbor unforgiveness, distrust, self-sufficiency, and pride in your heart ... you may be in a place called isolation and this place, my friend, can be dangerous. When the pandemic initially hit in March, most families went inward ... as they should have, at least in my opinion. When it emerged, COVID-19 was, without question, a novel and foreign threat. We were all compelled to protect those closest to us and to whom we were directly responsible for. Four months later, we now find ourselves seeking principled ways to navigate through what life looks like now. As I journey forward, I have hope, my faith is tenacious, and I fight to keep my heart tender, because I know God resists a proud person but gives grace to the humble ... and oh, how I need His grace. However, there are times when I am uncertain, and earnestly seeking answers and a place of normalcy. Beautifully enough, I’ve found consolation, comfort, and even God in dear friends who’ve proven to love beyond themselves. I covet their experience and wisdom, because it helps my family and I make informed decisions regarding our future and way ahead. The Bible describes King Solomon as the wisest man of his time. In his wisdom, he exclaimed that, “where there is no counsel, the people will fall, and safety is found in the multitude of counselors” (Proverbs 11:14 KJV). Basically, good people and a solid support system is both healthy and secure. Furthermore, the Bible says two is better than one, because if either of them falls down, one can help up the other. Dear friend, are you navigating this season in isolation, or are you accepting the blessing and safety that comes along with friendship and counsel? Yes, God is with us, but He has given us people to help us along our journey. Who are your “people”?
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. (Ecclesiastes 4:9,10 NIV)